Territorial election commission
of Surkhandarya region


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District (City) Election Commissions and Electoral Districts Established in Surkhandarya




Today, the next meeting of the Surkhandarya Regional Electoral Commission was held. The meeting, chaired by Z. Alimardonova, reviewed and approved the candidates for the district and city election commissions, which were initially formed by the People's Deputies of District and City Councils and submitted to the regional electoral commission for approval.



A total of 257 individuals have been included in the composition of the district and city election commissions, consisting of a commission chairperson, a deputy chairperson, a secretary, and eight to eighteen other members. Among them, 105 individuals, or 40.9%, are women. Out of these members, 188 have prior experience working in election commissions.


Of the members, 218 have higher education, and 39 have secondary-specialized education. By specialization, 79 are educators, 55 are economists, 25 are legal experts, 15 are medical professionals, another 15 are engineers, 10 are journalists, and 58 represent other fields.


Among the commission members, 28 are aged 21-30, 105 are aged 31-40, 81 are aged 41-50, 33 are aged 51-60, and 10 are over 60 years old.



The composition, addresses, and phone numbers of the district and city election commissions will be published on the official website and in local media.


The meeting also addressed the issue of establishing electoral districts for the elections to the People's Deputies of the Surkhandarya Regional Council. Based on the presentation of the regional administration, the commission members decided to form 50 electoral districts with equal representation for the deputy seats in the Regional Council, taking into account the population, number of voters, and other local conditions.


One deputy will be elected from each electoral district. The list of electoral districts, their boundaries, number of voters, and the location of the district election commissions will be published on the official website and in local media.


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